
We are excited to announce the official launch of our new Rewards and Recognition Program, Awardco. Awardco will be  utilized to recognize and reward our employees throughout the year. Our team considered several different industry-leading tools and ranked them against ease of use, integration with our current platforms, branding ability, program flexibility, peer-to-peer recognition, quality of rewards, mobile accessibility, and scalability. Awardco ranked the highest out of all, and we are pleased to have partnered with such a great company. 

ValidaTek strives to create an environment where employees feel recognized for the work that they do and rewarded when they go above and beyond. Our goal is to recognize employees for displaying core values and to drive behaviors that support our organizational objectives. With the tools available through ValidaTek's new recognition program, employees can quickly and easily show appreciation for their colleagues at ValidaTek and build an even better culture of encouragement and teamwork. Supervisors will be able to distribute points which employees can use to get items from the ValidaTek store and Amazon, and they can even spend it to get hotels and tickets to events.